Necessity test

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from creme import creme
from creme import utils
from creme import custom_model
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

Load Enformer and example sequences

data_dir = '../../../data/'
track_index = [5111]
model = custom_model.Enformer(track_index=track_index)
fasta_path = f'{data_dir}/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa'
seq_parser = utils.SequenceParser(fasta_path)

gene = 'GATA2_chr3_128487916_-'

gene_name, chrom, start, strand = gene.split('_')
wt_seq = seq_parser.extract_seq_centered(chrom, int(start), '-', model.seq_length)

# TSS bin indeces
bins = [447, 448]
wt = model.predict(wt_seq)[0,:,0]

utils.plot_track([wt], color='green', zoom=[0, 896], marks=bins)

<Axes: >

Necessity test

In this example we will test the necessity of (5Kb) tiles in the context of an enhancing context sequence of GATA2 gene.

To run the test we need: - a loaded model - onehot encoded sequence (WT) of the sequence - a list of tile coordinates to test - num_shuffle - number of shuffled - optionally, we can set mean=False to not average the shuffle results - optionally, we can set return_seqs to True to return the shuffled sequeneces for future use


perturb_window = 5000 N_shuffles = 10 tss_tile, cre_tiles = utils.set_tile_range(model.seq_length, perturb_window) cre_tiles = cre_tiles[19:20] print(f'Enhancing tile at position {cre_tiles[0][0]} - {cre_tiles[0][1]}') print(f'TSS tile at center position {tss_tile[0]} - {tss_tile[1]}')
Enhancing tile at position 100804 - 105804
TSS tile at center position 95804 - 100804

Necessity of an enhancing tile of GATA2 gene TSS

_, pred_mut = creme.necessity_test(model, wt_seq, cre_tiles, N_shuffles, mean=False)
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.73s/it]

for p in pred_mut.mean(axis=1)[:,:,0]: ax=utils.plot_track([p], color='red') utils.plot_track([wt], ax=ax, zoom=[400, 500], marks=[447,448], color='green')
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